Spanning Tree Protocol
STP alone is an L2 protocol. Per VLAN spanning tree PVST and Rapid STP, RSTP improve original standard.
STP prevents:
- broadcast storms
- multiple frame transmission
- MAC database instantiating
STP puts some parts in blocking state to prevent loops.
Interfaces/ports are either in blocking/forwarding state.
STP config is exchanged by interfaces every 2 seconds, using a multicast frame (BPDU), bridge protocol dataunit.
Bridge ID
Rapid PVST+
RSTP runs for each VLAN. High demand for resources.
RSTP calls blocking the discarding state. It also removes listening state and just calls it discarding.
Adds more port rules:
- Alternate, Backup, Disabled
- Alternate: suboptimal BPDU
spanning-tree vlan 1 root primary
spanning-tree vlan 1 root secondary
primary # set in 4096 increments.
show spanning-tree
Cisco Portfast
conf t
# switchport mode access
# spanning-tree portfast
# spanning-tree bpduguard enable